Small Biz Hype Squad is the behind the scenes online marketing support you never knew you needed.

Small Biz Hype Squad was born from a simple idea.

To support small businesses.

We know that without the independent bookstores, the family run bakeries, local photographers or the myriad of other small businesses that serve our communities, our local ecomonies would suffer greatly.

But we also know that being a small business owner is a huge job. You are responsible for everything from A to Z! And sometimes it isn’t feasible to bring on permanent staff to assist with some of the necessary behind the scenes tasks like social media.

That’s where we come in. We focus on Instagram and Facebook management along with online content creation including photo, video and blog content specifically tailored for small businesses.

We’re here to take that stress of online marketing off your shoulders so you can focus on the business you love! Let us support and hype you up!

Our Services

We offer remote social media and online marketing services that can be leveraged by small businesses far and wide, plus we offer local in person support for businesses in the Okanagan Valley. Here’s just a quick overview of the services we provide.

Social media is one of those things that is so helpful in reaching new clients and nurturing the ones you have but can easily fall by the wayside when more pressing things come up. We specialize in Instagram and Facebook management so let us take that off your to-do list!

Social Media Management

Creating and maintaining a blog for your business is a big job but a key one when trying to attract clients to your website. But it can be easy to push this to the back burner when you’re busy! We’re happy to take care of it for you!


Contact Us

If you’re looking for some support when it comes to social media management, blogging or other digital marketing efforts send us an email! We’d love to hear from you!