Small Biz Hype Squad was born from a simple idea.

To support small businesses.

We know that without the independent bookstores, the family run bakeries, local photographers or the myriad of other small businesses that serve our communities, our local ecomonies would suffer greatly.

Who We Are

We come from a background of working with small businesses and start-ups across a variety of industries from travel to podcasting to hospitality! We know that when there are orders to be made, clients to respond to, accounting to be done and staff to manage that the last thing on your list is your social media account and online presence.

It might not seem too important in the grand scheme of things but if the last few years have taught us anything it’s that information travels at lightning speed across social media and when you’re a small business working hard to build a client base it can be an invaluable tool!

But what do you do? How many times should you post? What should you post? Do videos really perform better? Do you need to show your own face on social media to do well? What are hashtags actually good for? Do we need a blog? What would we even write about? How would people know we have a blog?

There are SO many questions that we hear from business owners when they begin to contemplate how to build their online presence. It’s a bit overwhelming! But that’s where we come in!

We focus on Instagram and Facebook management along with online content creation including photo, video and blog content specifically tailored for small businesses. We’re here to take that stress of online marketing off your shoulders so you can focus on the business you love!

Let us support and hype you up!

Contact us today to find out how we can work together!